Canadian Dollar to Naira Black Market Rate [date]

Canadian Dollar to Naira Exchange Rates

Do you want to travel out the country to Canada or you want to send money to your relatives or friends and you want to know more about the black market exchange rate?

Our check for today, we found out that Canadian dollars is selling for Rate unavailable that means if you have 1 Canadian dollar now you will exchange it for just [fxrate currency=”cad” rate=”bm_buy” days=0] and it sells for [fxrate currency=”cad” rate=”bm_sell” days=0]

We bring to you CAD/NGN (Canadian Dollar to Naira) exchange rate today from the Black Market Lagos, Nigeria rate.

Dollar To Naira Exchange Rate

Canadian Dollar to Naira (CAD to NGN)Exchange Rate Today
Buying Rate[fxrate currency=”cad” rate=”bm_buy” days=0]
Selling Rate[fxrate currency=”cad” rate=”bm_sell” days=0]

The lowest level of Canadian dollar to Naira exchange rate has been recoded above.

figures in this page are updated based on rates traded in the Black Market .

Canadian dollar is nicknamed loonies and has the same symbol with the US Dollar and a unit code CAD, it is a brightly colored currency and can be recognised and differentiated from US Dollar easily . As expected this currency floats against major currencies.

Over the years, CAD has gained more and more standard in the foreign exchange market, in fact It is the fifth most held currency World Wide probably due to the fact that the country has a sound and Strong economy couple with it economic stability.

Bank note of Canadian dollar are of this denomination: 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollars and it is issued by the Bank of Canada. Also Coins are currently being used in Canada, it is issued by the Royal Canadian Mint in various unit such as : 5c nickel, 10 c dime, 25c quarter, $1 Loonie and $2 Toonie.

Recently the Bank of Canada has started issuing out bank notes made of synthetic polymer which comes with lots of security features that is aimed at reducing counterfeit

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