Here is the USD to Naira exchange rate for today:[date]
It doesn’t matter if you just want to send in some money abroad, or you are planning to make a trip for vacation education or business , or you just want to keep up with financial trends, all this could be more seamless if you have a perfect idea on the Euro to Naira rate.
When we check the parallel market that is located in Abuja Zone 4 market,today being [date] , the Great Britain Pounds stands firmly at approximately ₦1610 per Pound . if you want to sell a Pound now, it is ₦1580
Euro to Naira Black Market Rate
Euro to Naira (EUR to NGN) | Currency Rate |
Buying Rate | 1610 |
Selling Rate | 1580 |
While the above rate reflect the rate that is being traded in Abuja and Lagos, it is important for you to note that exchange rates disparities could exist even among different segments of the black market. So you could get a rate that vary slightly what was quoted above but the difference will not be much
When planning to exchange currency, consider always check the rates display on nairatoday on daily basis. Remember It’s essential you compare rates from various dealers out there, to ensure you receive the best value for your money.
Given the dynamic nature of currency markets and how the Naira to Euro fluctuates regularly, it’s prudent to verify current rates only from reliable and up-to-date sources before conducting any currency exchanges
Remember that you having a perfect Understanding about the Euro to Naira exchange rate is very crucial for making informed financial decisions that is to your advantage. Keep visiting this site to not just Stay informed but to compare rates .
Things You Didn’t Know About the Euro
- Plan to introduce a single currency in Europe started in 1960s: Though the currency was launched in early 90s, member states started putting adequate preparation on ground as early as 60s. The Treaty of Maastricht of 1992 that saw the establishment of rules that govern the currency.
- Only 12 Countries Used the Euro at first :Germany, Finland, Austria, Greece,Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, France and The Netherlands were the very first countries that adopted the currency at first before others followed.
- United Kingdom and Denmark are the two countries that have recently and successfully opt out from the Union.
- Bank notes of various denominations and coins were introduced early 2001.
- The point listed above are the some important facts about the Euro. Although when the currency was about to be launched, there were series of problems encountered
- The symbol for Euro is € and the exchange rate of Euro to Naira in the black market in Lagos today is. Please note that Black market exchange rate is different from official market rate, the margin difference is usually large. As you go about transacting, let’s give you a few hints and fact about Euro.
- Euro is a currency introduced to harmonise and perfect a Single European Market. It aim and objective is to facilitate free trade and economic activities in the Eurozone axis of participating countries.
- Being a new currency, Euro has successfully outperformed most currency and climb to the 2nd position in the forex exchange market.
- Euro comes in the following denomination: €500, €200, €100, €50, €20, €10, and €5.
- With over €1.3 trillion in circulation, Euro is the most traded currency in the foreign exchange market after the USD. The main issuing body of Euro is the European Central Bank with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
- About 19 European countries that are within eurozone makes use of the Euro as their official currency.