dollar to naira
how much is 6 dollar to naira in black market rate? we can help you automatically convert 6 dollar to naira without pressing your calculator.
currency dealers in Abuja and Lagos, Nigeria respectively where currency exchange are carried out on daily basis remains our yardstick. so we pay keen interest and attention at the exchange rate on this parallel market before we update you all here.
The exchange rate between the US Dollar ($) to the Nigerian Naira based on available data released by dealers in black market shows that the Exchange rate for 6 dollars to naira at most trading point showed that 6 Dollars sell for Naira sells at [fxrate currency=”usd” rate=”bm_sell” amount=6 days=0] and bought for [fxrate currency=”usd” rate=”bm_buy” amount=6 days=0]
everything has been automatically set up to give you the current exchange rate of $6 dollar to Naira as sold by Aboki in Lagos and Abuja.
How much has the price of $6 to Naira change over the last 5 hours? Has it been appreciating or depreciating over time? before making that payment or trying to convert your money in to Naira, it’s always advisable to get the current 6 dollar to naira exchange rate. just like today aboki are willing to buy from you at [fxrate currency=”usd” rate=”bm_sell” amount=6 days=0]
Despite the floating of the Naira, the black market still remains the only place where you can walk in to and secure the dollar within a short period of time without wasting your time, waiting for long queues that might not clear up in months.
The Naira is our official money in Nigeria, however as you know, everything in Nigeria today is imported, from toothpicks to matches and whatever else you can think of. All of this puts significant strain on the available dollar that Nigeria as a nation earns.
So don’t be discouraged by the currency rate you saw up there. We continue to trust that Nigeria will get it right someday by enacting policies that will help develop more industries and jobs for all, where goods will be manufactured to cover our trade imbalance thereby earn us more revenue.
for now exploring all available means to buy dollars at [fxrate currency=”usd” rate=”bm_buy” amount=6 days=0] and sells at [fxrate currency=”usd” rate=”bm_sell” amount=6 days=0] remains the only way that is soo sure to get Dollars within the real time frame you need it.