dollar to naira exchange rate
5 dollar to naira, how much is 5 dollar in nigeria, how much is 5 dollar in naira
Do you want to swap your 5 dollar to Naira or you just want to buy 5 dollar from the nearest Aboki closer to you?
how much is 5 dollar in nigeria?how much is 5 dollar in naira?5 dollar to naira? this are the questions we are going to answer here based on today’s exchange rate.
Do you want to pay for a service online or you want to make a purchase that cost 5 Dollars, or rather you are about to receive 5 dollars from outside Nigeria?
And you are eager to know the current exchange rate for today; you don’t have to worry about the calculations as we have an efficient system that track and update exchange rate based on the black market prices.
We have calculated the price of 5 dollar at buy rate
and sell rate Rate
5 Dollar To Naira
Buying Rate | [fxrate currency=”usd” rate=”bm_buy” amount=5 days=0] |
Selling Rate | [fxrate currency=”usd” rate=”bm_sell” amount=5 days=0] |
just like we said, we have calculated the exchange rate for buying and selling of 5 Dollar to Naira, this rate is the rate at the dollar to naira black market rate for today. More also, the Bureau De Change (BDC) operators in Lagos and Abuja precisely are selling and buying 5 ( five) Dollars (USD) at the parallel (unofficial) market at
All you have to do is just to refresh this page once it opens to get the most accurate current exchange rate based on what it is being sold by aboki in Lagos and Abuja.
You don’t have to travel that long distance or stress your self by stepping out just to check today’s exchange rate while we are here to help you do the conversion and update you while you receive all this vital information right there in the comfort of your hame.
5 Dollar to naira exchange rate today
What is the Dollar to Naira Exchange! the term exchange rate at the black market which is also called Aboki exchange rate is what we all know as the parallel market (Aboki fx).
See the black market of 5 Dollar to Naira exchange rate for today.
Please be informed that we don’t set currency prices for whatever reason. we only check what is being traded in Abuja zone 4 market and also in Lagos before any changes are made to reflect what is truly on ground.
are you troubled that the exchange rate seems high? please understand that everything is controlled by demand and supply. with good policies of Good and an enabling environment slowly Nigeria will be able to balance her trade deficite.
A quick reminder : we are only reporting what is being sold live at Abuja and Lagos. we don’t sell or buy forex.
All you need to do is just step out to confirm. but be reminded that smaller denomination of currency in pieces are priced at a small rate.